There were times when I was sad I was sick. My sister got married in November, just 6 weeks after my hospital stay. I was dealing with vertigo, extreme fatigue, edema... I wasn't at my best, and for such a special event I wish I would have been healthy.
Just one week after my sister's wedding, Steve and I traveled north to his best friend's wedding. We only see his side about once a year, and this event was it for us. Again, I was not feeling great and being away from your own home and your own bed doesn't help when you're going through this. I tried my best, put on a dress and even heels (a true accomplishment when vertigo seems to always have the upper hand), and managed to smile for a few pictures.

(Steve and I at his friend's wedding. I'm exhausted, eyes bloodshot, and I look more grey than my usual pink)
Oh blah dee, oh blah da, life goes on, OH! La la la la life goes on.
Its funny (not funny haha but funny ironic?) that you state you look grey in this picture- and I have to agree- I had my last attack on the 9th of May (im a nurse) and when i got admitted into my own ward I walked down the corridor in the middle of the night to heat up my heat pack- I said hello to a nurse who i had worked with and she said- hi... and gave me a funny look- i went into my room going i wonder what I've done? I pressed the buzzer half hr later to get pain relief- I had a strong pain killer and in australia they need two nurses (equivalent of morph- its endone- does nothing during an attack btw) and she was the second nurse- when she saw my name tag she said "omg Shira- I didnt realize it was you!- you looks so grey/off colour" Im half scottish/half filipino- so i have a bit of a tan- and i've never been called "off colour" before- and everytime i had a dr/nurse/visitors come in they'd tell me how i look like sh*t basically- so i feel your pain!