After such a horrible experience at Mayo, where the "leading experts" are known for cracking the difficult cases, I became obsessed to prove I do NOT need a psychiatric evaluation. I dove into forums, blogs, case studies, medical websites... anything I could find that mentioned porphyria. Needless to say, there's not much out there. In Dr. Premier's own words, "This disease is known as an 'orphan disease'. Pharmaceutical companies don't put money into research because not enough people have this condition to make money off of." Although I understand this point from a business perspective, I think it's horrible.
What I did find is purple pee. This is mentioned in almost every document, blog, and forum as a tell-tale symptom. Although I knew my penny-colored urine was not comparable to the few pictures I did find, I decided to try out the sunlight test. For those unfamiliar, this simple test involves peeing into a clear container, setting it outside in the sun, and watching to see if the urine changes from yellow to purple. So I did the test, left the house for the day because I knew I would be fighting not to check on the color every 5 minutes, and hoped that I wasn't truly crazy. These are my results.

At the time, I thought that a 24 hour collection would surely give me a diagnosis. After everything else I've been tested for, at least we know what we are looking for... but I found out it's not that easy.